Resisting the permanent state of insecurity

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Securitization is the center dominant politics in our times. Neoliberals, racists and sexists feed in the society with fear and sell their political agendas in the context of a promised security. Thus they promote their idea of militarized security, through creating and enhancing social insecurity.

By Katerina Anastasiou (Transform)

From the precarity of contemporary working and living conditions, to the militarized border controls all serves the same purpose. Create enemies on the basis of society and shift the anger from the top to the bottom of the social classes.

Also feminist issues have been instrumentalized to promote this kind reactionary security concepts. Posters in Verona, during the reactionary "Family congress", were warning that "abortion is the biggest reason for feminicid", thus manipulating the legitimate fear of women for their safety, although we know that most of feminicids happen through family members and inside their own homes.

AfD had posters in Germany that illustrate a pregnant woman with the slogan " We make new Germans ourselves" - addressing this way their neo-fascist, racist theory of the "Big replacement" and at the same time calling on women to go back into the household. Every far-right organization tries to manipulate women freedom to justify their racism and murderous politics. At the same time, and although they try to positions themselves as anti-establishment- neoliberal to the core as they are, they promote family models of the 50’s. In their view women have to stay at home and look after the elderly, children and households. This way who needs public education, public care and feminism? In their view, sending women back at home makes the need for working hands in Europe obsolete.

It is immanent for the feminist movement to recognize these promoted models of militarized securitization and work together with migrant solidarity movements, labor movements and environmental movements. We need to develop our own concepts and counternarratives against fearmongering politics and the securitization of ours lives. We need to resist the permanent state of insecurity.