Title : Resistance to the destruction of public education - Defending next generation’s future
Facilitators : Themis Kotsifakis, Florian Lascroux
Questionnaire :
Program :
- 5-10 min : presentation of the assembly, the objectives, the different parts
Women from OLME (Greece)
- 20-30 min : presentation of the situation of Education in Europe (thanks to the questionnaires)
Manuela Mendonca - FENPROF (Portugal)
Michal Mlcousek - ETUCE
- 10-15 min : presentation of the manifesto, the different parts, the purpose ; presentation of the links between the manifesto and the problems in Education
Marc Delepouve - FSU (France)
15-20 min : short debate
- 5-10 min : proposals of common actions in the next months, not only in Education, but inside Alter Summit process
Gunter Quaisser - GEW (Germany)
1H-1H15 : debate, conclusion
Please take into account that greek colleagues have asked for a new schedule : 3:00-5:30 pm.
The translation should be provided in EN / FR / GR.