The night of July 13th will be remembered in history as the night of the European shame.
The neoliberal oligarchy ruling Europe with no democratic legitimacy has shown its real nature to the whole world. This oligarchy insists that no one in Europe has the right to propose credible alternatives to the religion of austerity, even when these proposals are backed by a very large democratic consensus.
In order to teach Greece a lesson and to warn anyone seeking to follow the same path, they did not hesitate a single moment to place an entire country in grave danger, and to threaten the health, indeed the life, of its people. To this end, they are prepared to risk the whole process of European integration.
Europe does not have a Greek problem. Europe has, rather, a serious political problem :the neoliberal choice for austerity. The German elite – together with the other governments, the ECB and the IMF is pushing Europe towards the abyss.
It’s not a war between Germany and Greece : it is between oligarchy and democracy.
European and global oligarchies have shown their determination as well as their divisions.
The revolt of a small country against neoliberal power has provoked a brutal reaction. The fight against such strong powers cannot be won by one country alone. Since the beginning, we have mobilized all over Europe and stated that this fight is ” not about Greece, it’s about all of us!”
Now we have built a permanent mobilization and forged European links between social, political and intellectual actors. But despite our best efforts, we were unable to build the strength needed in this past month.
The week preceding the Greek referendum and, in particular, the final Eurogroup meeting witnessed a strong reaction throughout Europe and the world. Trade unions, social and political movements, democratic civil society organizations, individuals have expressed in various ways their support for democracy and for the Greek people and their opposition to austerity and neoliberal doctrine.
This is a new, positive and important element in Europe which can counter the brutal attack on Greece, and provide all of Europe with the necessary strength in the struggle to come, in Greece and everywhere. The coming months in the period before the Spanish elections (on 15 November) and in Portugal will be crucial.
We commit ourselves, and we call upon all available forces to show their solidarity with Greece, to strengthen the alliances against austerity and neoliberal Europe, to join the October mobilization already proposed by several social movements and networks. We will march, rally and protest:
“Oxi! Basta! Enough!” will be our call to united action, our refusal to allow the destruction of European democracy.
We don’t want austerity : not in Greece, and not in Europe. We need another Europe, based on democracy, rights, dignity and peace. We must fight for it together. This is an historic responsibility for all of us.
First signatures on July 17
Call open for all support via
Susan George (TNI-Attac) | Eduardo Chagas (ETF – Eurpopean Transportworkers’ Federation) | Raffaella Bolini (ARCI) | Walter Baier (Transform!Europe) | Felipe Van Keirsbilck (Alter Summit) | Elisabeth Gauthier (Transform!) | Corinna Genschel (Blockupy) | Roberto Musacchio & Roberto Morea (Transform! It) | Giuseppe De Marzo (Libera) | Marco Bersani (Attac It) | Claudio Riccio (ACT - Agire Costruire Trasformare) | Lorenzo Zamponi (Il | Hugo Braun (Attac Germany) | Kenneth Haar (CEO) | Attac Wallonie-Bxl | Thomas Coutrot (Attac Fr) | Eric Goeman (Attac Vlanderen) | Dominique Plihon (Attac Fr) | Piotr Kawiorski (Attac Pl) | Pierre Khalfa (Fondation Copernic) | Sebastian Franco (European Network for the right to Health) | Frédérique Rolet (SNES FSU)
Tommaso Fattori (Sì- Toscana a Sinistra)
Roberta Fantozzi PRC-SE
Chiara Giunti (Florence - librarian and activist of L’altra Europa con Tsipras)
Alfonso GIANNI (Fondazione Cercare Ancora) Italy
Francesco Lucat Segretario regionale Rifondazione Comunista Valle d’ Aosta
Assunta Signorelli (AET Italia)
Massimo Angrisano Filef Campania
Giulia Rodano, della Casa internazionale donne Roma
Antonello Falomi
CLAUDIA MORIGGI (Altra Europa con Tsipras)
Maso Notarianni
Edoardo Salzano, eddyburg
Rosa Rinaldi Rifundazione
Bia Sarasini
Ferruccio nobili
Gianni Rinaldini - Fondazione Claudio Sabattini - Italia
Beppe Caccia and Lorenzo Marsili (European Alternatives)
Carla Maria Ruffini - L’Altra Europa con Tsipras
Massimiliano Sforzi, consigliere comunale Comune di Pistoia
Massimo Torelli- Italia- Altra Europa con Tsipras
Vera Masoero
Sergio Zampini
Alexis Cukier ( France, Avec les Grecs)
Giuseppe Musolino - referente "Un’Altra Storia" - - 338 70 75 200
Michele Pedrolo - high school teacher, Verona – Italy
Edoardo Annucci (Coordinamento nazionale L’Altra Europa con Tsipras)
Daniella Ambrosino - Roma
Maria Ricciardi Giannoni - Comitato L’Altra Europa con Tsipras Parma
Antonella Ghirardelli L’Altra Europa con Tsipras - l?Altra Emilia RomagnaComitato di Parma - Italy
Laura di Lucia Coletti
lamanna giuseppina
Angela Ronga – CGIL
Elisabetta Ferrari
Alvise Marin
Giuliana Beltrame, Padova - Italia
Spartaco Vitiello - Padova
Lorenzo Mazzucato - (PRC di Padova e Funzione pubblica-Cgil)
Giuseppe Bagni
monica sgherri
Ferretti Gabriella, Angelo Rossi, Paola Ferrari, Sara Gelli, Anna Gelli, Francesco Rossi, Agnese Ordente, Angela Zollino.
Cristina Franchini- Altra Europa comitato di Alessandria (ITA)
Carmelo giuseppe nucera - Lega dei Socialisti della MagnaGrecia
Giorgio Rametta
Marino Calcinari - Associazione politica per la Costituente della Sinistra
Ferruccio nobili Altra Europa con Tsipras Roma
Geni Sardo – CGIL
Giulia Ragonese L’associazione TILT
Guido Pullia
andrea bagni - insegnante - AltraEuropa con Tsipras Firenze
Angela Mancuso
Maurizio Catroppa
Fabrice Eeklaer Secrétaire fédéral MOC Charleroi Thuin
Maria Grazia Bordini
Umberto Tartari Istituto di Fisica del Plasma CNR-ENEA-Euratom Association
Bernardo Veronesi – civitavecchia
Elena Beltrame
Dr. Luisa Barba CNR - Institute of Crystallography
Simonetta Siben CICT Centro Iniziative Culturali Tarcento UD Italia
Dante Bedini - segreteria provinciale Rifondazione comunista Treviso
Maria Pia Pizzolante portavoce TILT
Rosanna Patrizi - Parma
Franco Buccella
Fiorenzo Fasoli Verona Italy
Raouf Ben Ammar : Mouvement Politique des Citoyens
Daniela Caramel - (Altra Europa)
On behalf of Attac-Hellas - Georgios Daremas, member of the executive committee.
Abati Bruno
Tiziana Gervasini
Marie-Dominique Vernhes (Attac Allemagne)
Laura Gonzalez de Txabarri – ELA
Ileana Briani
Riccardo Torregiani, Rete Antirazzista, Firenze
Isidoros Diakides GReece Solidarity Campaign.
Women in Development Europe ( - a transnational feminist network working for global economic and gender justice
ECOAR Global - a grassroots collective from North Spain working on issues of global economic and climate justice
Habita - Associação pelo direito à habitação e à cidade