Alter Summit at European Summer University in Toulouse (23-27 august)

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The European Summer University will mark an important step in thd struggle for another Europe and will bring together more than 1000 participants from dozens of countries.

Look the complete program

Thursday, August 24 17:00-19:00

The crisis of establishment politics in the EU and new ways forward
Amphi 630 – French, English, German, Spanish
Organisers: European Attac Network
The crisis of the EU’s establishment seems to leave the citizens of the union with a «choice» between exclusivist nationalism vs. a globalised neoliberalism (not exclusive of each other). How then could credible alternatives appear with social justice at their heart? And how can we build European convergences?
Speakers: – Felipe Van Keirsblick, Altersummit, Belgium – Eric Toussaint, CADTM International – Marina Albiol Guzman, Member of the European Parliament (GUE), Spain

Saturday, August 26

Debt and austerity in the European Union: taking stock of the situation and analysing resistance movements with a special focus on Greece
Room GA 142 - French, English
Organisers: Altersommet, Attac Germany, Attac France, CADTM Belgium

Our health is not for sale, let’s fight the commercialisation of health and of welfare
Amphi A - French, Spanish
Measures of financialisation and commercialisation of the health and social sector plague all the countries of Europe, and are driven by the same mechanisms, with varying rhythms from state to state. The defence and promotion of a non-market system of solidarity must happen at the European level. The European network against the commercialisation and privatisation of health and welfare aims to coordinate this fight. Beyond that is the question of a combination of social determinants (education, housing, water, work…)
The seminar aims to shed light on:
– Workshop 1: the mechanisms of privatisation and of commodification of health and social sectors at work in Europe and their consequences for populations.
– Workshop 2: state of play of existing activist networks in Europe and beyond
– Workshop 3: successful activism, current and future battles, coordination and perspectives
Organisers: CNE (Centrale Nationale des Employé-es, Belgium), SUD Santé Sociaux (France), Réseau pour le droit à la santé de Milan et de Lombardie, Medicina Democratica (Italy), People’s Health Movement (International), PASS (Belgium), ATTAC (France), Notre santé en Danger (France), Maréas Blancas (Spain), Solidarité France Grèce pour la santé (Grèce)