Conference Rights4All Now! - 25&26 November 2016 - Brussels

In order to build our Europe, we must challenge the EU’s rules. The failure of its economic policies, its authoritarian policies, and the delegitimization of is bureaucracy are the breeding ground for the nationalist and xenophobic feelings that endanger democracy and peace.


The future proposed by the European elites - supported by most of the member states - will only heighten these contradictions: the Report of the Five Presidents, the REFIT programme, as well as the free-trade agreements being negotiated (TTIP, CETA and TiSA) will attack all the achievements of a century of workers’ and people’s struggles _ under the pressure of debt repayment and policies of competitiveness.

And yet we are willing to bet on Europe. Europe as a history of shared struggles, as the construction site for our common struggles. Europe as an area of solidarity across frontiers, for combating the immense forces of Capital together, and responding to the global challenges facing humanity. This Europa can only be built by the articulation of local struggles and based on a global analysis of the EU, which today is the principal enemy of our European social heritage.

During two days of plenary sessions and workshops, we will discuss the political and social impact of digitalization and the internationalization of production processes, the divisions among the "new European working class", the urgency of an environmental transition, as well as the need to defend and promote the commons and public services. We will also debate the way to oppose European policies and institutions at the local, national, and European level. We will share information about our struggles and practices across Europe, in order to define joint directions of analysis and action.

An initiative of Alter Summit
Alter Summit is a European network of trade unions, social movement collectives, NGOs and networks willing to organise resistance to austerity and neoliberal policies at European level for the construction of a real democracy and alternatives.